#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************** #
# This file is part of the pdpy project: https://github.com/pdpy-org
# Copyright (C) 2021-22 Fede Camara Halac
# **************************************************************************** #
import sys
import re
__all__ = [
[docs]def checknum(num):
return True
except ValueError:
return True
except ValueError:
return False
# def printer2(argument):
# def decorator(function):
# def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# log(0, argument)
# result = function(*args, **kwargs)
# return result
# return wrapper
# return decorator
[docs]def printer(func):
def wrapper(*arg):
# log(0, func.__name__)
result = func(*arg)
if result:
# log(0, "="*80)
log(0, func.__name__, repr(arg[1:] if 1 < len(arg) else arg))
return result
return wrapper
# def log_decorator(func):
# def wrapper(*arg):
# # log(0, func.__name__)
# result = func(*arg)
# if result:
# print("="*80)
# print(func.__file__, func.__name__, repr(*arg))
# return result
# return wrapper
[docs]def log(level, *argv):
""" log utility with level and variable arguments
This function printt to console with the following `level`:
1. Normal
2. Warning
3. Error
level : :class:`int`
The log level (defaults: None)
__repr__ = " ".join(map(repr, argv))
if 0 == level:
print("NORMAL", __repr__)
elif 1 == level:
print("DEBUG", __repr__)
elif 2 == level:
print("ERROR", __repr__)
elif level < 0:
print("WARNING", __repr__)
def findIndices(data, cond_func):
""" Find the start and stop slice indices
of elements in a list that satisfy a condition function ``cond_func``
list of tuples (start, stop)
indices = findIndices(data, lambda x: not len(x))
indices = []
start_index = 0
for stop_index, datum in enumerate(data):
if cond_func(datum):
indices.append((start_index, stop_index))
start_index = stop_index + 1
return indices
def splitByNone(data):
""" Split a list by None elements
This function splits a list by None elements
and returns a list of lists
A list of lists
indices = findIndices(data, lambda x: not len(x))
if not len(indices): return data
# if there are indices, split the list
# iterate over the indices and split accordingly
return [ data[i[0]:i[1]] for i in indices ]
[docs]def splitByEscapedChar(data, char=";"):
""" Split a string by escaped char
This function splits a string by escaped char
and returns a list of lists or the original string
data : :class:`list`
list to be split
char : :class:`str`
char to split by (defaults: ``;``)
regex = r"(?<=\\)" + re.escape(char)
idx = [i for i, d in enumerate(data) if re.search(regex,d) ]
if not len(idx):
return data
result = [list(data[1+idx[i]:idx[i+1]]) for i in range(len(idx)-1)]
# result = list(filter(None,result)) # do not filter out empty elements
# account for the first index
if len(data[:idx[0]]):
if not re.search(regex, " ".join(data[:idx[0]])):
result = [" ".join(data[:idx[0]])] + result
return result
def splitSemi(argv):
lines = []
line = ''
if "\\;" in argv:
for arg in argv:
if arg == "\\;":
line = ''
if line == '': line += arg
else: line += ' ' + arg
lines = [" ".join(argv)]
lines = list(filter(None, lines))
return lines
[docs]def splitAtChar(line, char=",", escaped=True, double=False):
""" Split a string by a default character """
if escaped:
if double:
regex = r"(?<=\\\\)" + re.escape(char)
# offset = 4
regex = r"(?<=\s\\)" + re.escape(char)
# offset = 2
regex = r"(?<!\\)" + re.escape(char)
# offset = 0
result = re.split(regex,line)
return result
def tokenize(line):
""" Return a list of tokens from a string """
# account for comma chararcter delimiting obj border box
line = splitAtChar(line, escaped=False)
if len(line) == 2:
tokens = []
for t in line:
tokens += splitAtChar(t, char=" ", escaped=False)
tokens = splitAtChar(line[0], char=" ", escaped=False)
# filter out empty tokens
tokens = list(filter(None,tokens))
return tokens
[docs]def parsePdFileLines(file_lines):
""" Feed in file lines and return a list with pure data lines
This function returns a nodes list containing
pure data lines split by the semicolon char,
accounting specially for lines that span multiple rows
pd_start = re.compile(r"^#[XNA]", re.MULTILINE)
lines = []
for line in file_lines:
line = line.strip()
if re.search(pd_start, line): lines.append(line)
# line does not start in a pd-way
# append to the last stored line
if len(line): lines[-1] += ' ' + line
nodes = [ tokenize(line[:-1]) for line in lines ]
return nodes
[docs]def parsePdBinBuf(binbuf):
""" Feed in a pd file string and return a list with pure data lines
This function returns a nodes list containing
pure data lines split by the semicolon char,
accounting specially for lines that span multiple rows
pd_start = re.compile(r"(#[XNA].*);(?=\r\n)")
lines = re.findall(pd_start, binbuf)
nodes = [ tokenize(line) for line in list(filter(None,lines)) ]
return nodes
[docs]def quit_help(msg=None, parser=None):
if parser is not None:
if msg is not None:
log(2,"REASON:", msg)
log(2,"Unknown error...")
[docs]def loadPdData(encoding, filename):
""" Load a Pure Data file with the given encoding """
# log(1,"Trying", encoding)
with open(filename, "r", encoding=encoding) as fp:
lines = [line for line in fp.readlines()]
return lines, encoding
[docs]def loadPdFile(filename, encoding='utf-8'):
""" Attempt to load a pd file with the correct encoding
A list of pure data file lines
pd_data, encoding = loadPdData(encoding, filename)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
pd_data, encoding = loadPdData("ascii", filename)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
pd_data, encoding = loadPdData("latin-1", filename)
except Exception as e:
pd_data = None
raise ValueError("Could not load input file", e)
return pd_data