Virtual Environment

It is recommended to use pdpy within a virtual environment. To set a virtual environment with python3, you can follow this instructions.



pdpy requires python version 3.9 or greater.

To start, you need to create the virtual environment. You only need to do this once; you can reuse your venv later on. For this, you need a path to a common folder. The examples in this documentation use ~/.pdpy as a default path:

python3 -m venv ~/.pdpy


To use your virtual envirnoment, you need to source it on your terminal. You do this with the following command:

source ~/.pdpy/bin/activate

The terminal window should read something like this:

(.pdpy) user:dir user$


The next thing you’d want to do is install the necessary packages to your venv, for example:

pip install pyaudio

Head to Installing LibPd to see how install libpd to your environment.