#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************** #
# This file is part of the pdpy project: https://github.com/pdpy-org
# Copyright (C) 2021 Fede Camara Halac
# **************************************************************************** #
Pure Data Default Values
__all__ = [
Formats = {
"pkl" : [ "pickle", "pkl"],
"json": [ "json" ],
"pdpy" : [ "pdpy" ],
"pd" : [ "pd", "puredata"],
"xml" : [ "xml" ],
[docs]class Default(object):
""" Default values for Pure Data objects """
def __init__(self):
self.screen = { 'x':0, 'y': 22 }
""" The position of the screen in x-y space """
self.dimension = { 'width': 450, 'height': 300 }
""" The size of the screen in pixels """
self.arrdimen = { 'width': 450, 'height': 278 }
""" The dimensions of the array in pixels """
self.font = { 'size': 12, 'face': 0 }
""" The font size and face """
self.array = { 'size': 100, 'type': 'float', 'flag': 3}
""" GOP Array properties """
self.coords = {
'range' : {
'xmin': 0,
'xmax': self.array['size'],
'ymin': -1,
'ymax': 1,
'gop' : 0,
'dimen' : {
'width' : 200,
'height' : 140
'margin' : {
'x' : 0,
'y' : 0
""" Coordinates for gop """
self.vis = 0
""" Canvas visibility """
self.digits_width = { 'floatatom': 5, 'symbolatom': 10, 'listbox': 20 }
""" Amount of digits/elements to display on the atom box """
self.limits = { 'lower':0, 'upper':0 }
""" Range boundaries for floatatom """
self.flag = 0
""" A flag """
self.label = '-'
""" Empty symbol for Native Gui """
self.receive = '-'
""" Empty symbol for Native Gui """
self.send = '-'
""" Empty symbol for Native Gui """
self.name = '(subpatch)'
""" Empty symbol for nameless patches """
self.iemgui = {
'label' : 'empty',
'fontface' : 0,
'fontsize' : 10,
'fgcolor' : '#000000'
""" General iemgui properties """
'vu': {
'tgl': {
'cnv': {
'fsize':self.iemgui['fontsize'] + 4,
'radio': {
'bng': {
'nbx': {
'hsl': {
'vsl': {
}) # iemgui update
self.xml = {
'data_as_text': False
GOPArrayFlags = [
"polygon", "polygon-saved",
"points", "points-saved",
"bezier", "bezier-saved",
IEMGuiNames = [
PdFonts = [
PdNativeGuiNames = [