Source code for pdpy_lib.primitives.point

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************** #
# This file is part of the pdpy project:
# Copyright (C) 2022 Fede Camara Halac
# **************************************************************************** #

from ..core.base import Base

__all__ = [ 'Point' ]

[docs]class Point(Base): def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, json=None, xml=None): """ A point in x-y space Parameters --------- All of the following are optional: ``x``: the position in the X-axis ``y``: the position in the Y-axis ``json``: a json dictionary like ``{x:value, y:value}`` ``xml``: an XML Element with children``<x>value</x><y>value</y>`` If no arguments are provided, the default values are from the ``screen`` attribute in :class:`Default` """ self.__pdpy__ = self.__class__.__name__ super().__init__() if json is not None: super().__populate__(self, json) elif xml is not None: self.x = self.__num__(xml.findtext('x')) self.y = self.__num__(xml.findtext('y')) elif json is None and xml is None: self.x = self.__num__(x) if x is not None else None self.y = self.__num__(y) if y is not None else None else: self.x = self.__d__.screen['x'] self.y = self.__d__.screen['y'] def __pd__(self): try: return str(self.x) + " " + str(self.y) except ValueError as ve: raise Exception(ve, "in object",, "named", self.getname()) def __xml__(self, tag=None): """ Return an XML Element """ return super().__xml__(scope=self, tag=tag, attrib=('x', 'y'))
[docs] def set_x(self, x): self.x = self.__num__(x) return self.x
[docs] def set_y(self, y): self.y = self.__num__(y) return self.y
[docs] def increment(self, x, y): self.x += x self.y += y