Source code for pdpy_lib.primitives.coords

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************** #
# This file is part of the pdpy project:
# Copyright (C) 2022 Fede Camara Halac
# **************************************************************************** #

from . import area, point, size
from ..core.base import Base

__all__ = ['Coords']

[docs]class Coords(Base): """ Coordinates of a Pd Patch The coordinates of the Pd Patch takes a list of 7 or 9 arguments Created in the following format: - `range` : first 4 floats are the Area. Defined by 2 Points. See :class:`Area` and :class:`Point`. - `dimension` : next 2 floats are the Size. See :class:`Size`. - `gop` : next 1 int (0 or 1) defines if it must Graph-on-Parent. - `margin` : if present, next 2 floats are the margins. See :func:`addmargin`) """ def __init__(self, coords=None, json=None, xml=None, **kwargs): self.__pdpy__ = self.__class__.__name__ super().__init__(cls='coords', json=json, xml=xml) if json is not None: super().__populate__(self, json) elif xml is not None: self.range = area.Area(xml=xml.find('range')) self.dimension = size.Size(xml=xml.find('dimension')) = self.__num__(xml.findtext('gop', 0)) if xml.find('margin'): self.addmargin(xml=xml.find('margin')) elif json is None and xml is None and coords is not None: # NON-GOP self.range = area.Area(coords=coords[:4]) if coords is not None else area.Area() self.dimension = size.Size(w=coords[4], h=coords[5]) if coords is not None else size.Size() = self.__num__(coords[6]) if coords is not None else 0 # GOP if 9 == len(coords): self.addmargin(x=coords[7], y=coords[8]) else: if 'gop' in kwargs: = kwargs.pop('gop') else: = self.__d__.coords['gop'] if 'range' in kwargs: self.range = area.Area(kwargs.pop('area')) else: self.range = area.Area(coords=[ self.__d__.coords['range']['xmin'], self.__d__.coords['range']['ymax'], self.__d__.coords['range']['xmax'], self.__d__.coords['range']['ymin']] ) if 'dimen' in kwargs: self.dimension = size.Size(kwargs.pop('dimen')) else: self.dimension = size.Size( w = self.__d__.coords['dimen']['width'], h = self.__d__.coords['dimen']['height'] ) if if 'margin' in kwargs: self.addmargin(kwargs.pop('margin')) else: self.addmargin( x = self.__d__.coords['margin']['x'], y = self.__d__.coords['margin']['y'] )
[docs] def addmargin(self, **kwargs): """ Adds the margins to the coords class """ self.margin = point.Point(**kwargs)
def __pd__(self): """ Returns the pd-lang string for the coordinates """ s = self.range.__pd__(order=1) + " " + self.dimension.__pd__() + " " + str( if hasattr(self, 'margin'): s += " " + self.margin.__pd__() return super().__pd__(s) def __xml__(self, tag=None): """ Return an XML Element """ return super().__xml__(scope=self, tag=tag, attrib=('range', 'dimension', 'gop', 'margin'))