#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************** #
# This file is part of the pdpy project: https://github.com/pdpy-org
# Copyright (C) 2021-22 Fede Camara Halac
# **************************************************************************** #
from . import point
from ..core.base import Base
__all__ = [ 'Area' ]
[docs]class Area(Base):
r""" Represents a rectangular section of the screen
The area is represented with two points, ``a`` and ``b``.
See :class:`pdpy_lib.primitives.point.Point`.
The first two coordinates are the upper-left corner in Point ``a``,
and the second two are the lower-right corner in Point ``b``.
a ────────────────────┐
│ │
│ │
│ │
└──────────────────── b
coords : :class:`list`
The list of 4 coordinates ``x1, y1, x2, y2`` (defaults: Point, Point)
json : :class:`dict`
The dictionary to populate the class
xml : :class:`xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`
The XML Element with two sub-elements for each point <a> and <b>
This example imports and calls the class with the ``coords`` keywords
>>> import pdpy_lib as pdpy
>>> area = pdpy.Area(coords=[0,0,10,10])
The default pd-lang string interleaves the coords, getting ``x1,x2,y1,y2``
>>> area.__pd__()
'0 10 0 10'
If there is an ``order`` argument, coords remain the same: ``x1,y1,x2,y2``
>>> area.__pd__(order=1)
'0 0 10 10'
The XML Element is accessed like this
>>> area.__xml__()
<Element 'area' at 0x1024379f0>
def __init__(self, coords=None, json=None, xml=None):
self.__pdpy__ = self.__class__.__name__
if json is not None:
super().__populate__(self, json)
elif xml is not None:
self.a = point.Point(xml=xml.find('a'))
self.b = point.Point(xml=xml.find('b'))
elif json is None and xml is None:
self.a = point.Point(x=coords[0],y=coords[2]) if coords is not None else point.Point()
self.b = point.Point(x=coords[1],y=coords[3]) if coords is not None else point.Point()
def __pd__(self, order=0):
""" Return the pd-lang string """
if order == 1:
return str(self.a.x) + " " + str(self.b.x) + " " + str(self.a.y) + " " + str(self.b.y)
return self.a.__pd__() + " " + self.b.__pd__()
def __xml__(self, tag=None):
""" Return an XML Element """
return super().__xml__(scope=self, tag=tag, attrib=('a', 'b'))