Source code for pdpy_lib.patching.patch

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************** #
# This file is part of the pdpy project:
# Copyright (C) 2022 Fede Camara Halac
# **************************************************************************** #

import time
  import pyaudio
except ModuleNotFoundError:
  print("You might want to get pyaudio: ``pip install pyaudio``")

  import pylibpd
except ModuleNotFoundError:
  print("You might want to get libpd from")

from . import pdpy

__all__ = [ 'Patch' ]

[docs]class Patch(pdpy.PdPy): """ Patch interface to use pdpy and libpd Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` or ``None`` Name for the patch inch : :class:`int` Number of input channels (defaults: 2) outch : :class:`int` Number of output channels (defaults: 2) sr : :class:`int` Sample rate (defaults: 44100) callback : :class:`bool` Run ``pyaudio`` in callback, non-blocking mode. This is useful for recording to disc. Set to ``False`` if you want live output (defaults: True). **kwargs: Other keyword arguments are passed to the :class:`pdpy.PdPy` base class Example ------- First, we need to do our import:: >>> import pdpy_lib as pdpy Now, make a patch with a ``name`` and set it to root, non-callback. >>> patch = pdpy.Patch(name='test', root=True, callback=False) Create some objects: an oscillator >>> osc = pdpy.Obj('osc~') >>> osc.addargs(440) <pdpy.Obj object at 0x106ac7850> Now, let's make a multiplier and a dac objects >>> mul = pdpy.Obj('*~') >>> mul.addargs(0.1) <pdpy.Obj object at 0x106729850> >>> dac = pdpy.Obj('dac~') Create the objects and connect them >>> patch.create(osc, mul, dac) <pdpy.Patch object at 0x106755640> >>> patch.connect(osc, mul) >>> patch.connect(mul, [dac, 0, 1]) Write the patch >>> patch.write() Initialized Arranger graph placing algorithm. Start the audio and perform >>> patch.start_audio() <pyaudio.Stream object at 0x106ac74f0> >>> patch.perform() You should now hear a sinewave at 440 Hz. """ def __init__(self, name=None, inch=2, outch=2, sr=44100, callback=True, **kwargs): """ Constructor """ super().__init__(name, **kwargs) self.__callback__ = callback """ callback flag for pyaudio """ self.__inch__ = inch """ input channels """ self.__outch__ = outch """ output channels """ self.__sr__ = sr """ sample rate """ self.__tpb__ = 6 """ ticks per buffer for pyaudio """ self.__bs__ = pylibpd.libpd_blocksize() if HAS_PYLIBPD else 64 """ libpd blocksize """ self.__libpd__ = pylibpd.PdManager( self.__inch__, self.__outch__, self.__sr__, 1 ) if HAS_PYLIBPD else None """ The libpd manager class :class:`pylibpd.PdManager` """ self.__pyaudio__ = pyaudio.PyAudio() if HAS_PYAUDIO else None """ The pyaudio class :class:`pyaudio.PyAudio` """ self.__gui__ = False """ The flag if gui is on or off """ def __enter__(self): self.start_audio() return self
[docs] def start_audio(self): """ Start the pyaudio stream """ def _callback(in_data, frame_count, time_info, status): data = self.__libpd__.process(in_data) if HAS_PYLIBPD else in_data return (bytes(data), pyaudio.paContinue) self.__stream__ = format = pyaudio.paInt16, channels = min(self.__inch__, self.__outch__), rate = self.__sr__, input = True, output = True, frames_per_buffer = self.__bs__ * self.__tpb__, stream_callback=_callback if self.__callback__ else None ) """ the pyaudio stream """ return self.__stream__
[docs] def performCallback(self): """ Begin the audio stream loop in callback mode """ self.__stream__.start_stream() while self.__stream__.is_active(): time.sleep(0.1) self.__stream__.stop_stream()
[docs] def perform(self): """ Begin the audio stream loop """ while 1: data =, exception_on_overflow=False) outp = self.__libpd__.process(data) if HAS_PYLIBPD else data self.__stream__.write(bytes(outp)) self.__stream__.close()
def __exit__(self, ctx_type, ctx_value, ctx_traceback): super().__exit__(ctx_type, ctx_value, ctx_traceback) if HAS_PYLIBPD: pylibpd.libpd_open_patch(self.patchname + '.pd') if HAS_PYAUDIO: if self.__callback__: try: self.performCallback() except Exception as e: raise Exception("There was an error", e) else: self.perform() self.__pyaudio__.terminate() if HAS_PYLIBPD: pylibpd.libpd_release()
[docs] def start_gui(self, path): # pylibpd.libpd_init() pylibpd.libpd_init_audio(self.__inch__, self.__outch__, self.__sr__) pylibpd.libpd_subscribe('#py') pylibpd.libpd_set_message_callback(lambda x,y,z:print("MESSAGE",x,y,z)) print_hook = lambda x : print("CONSOLE", x) if x != '\n' else None pylibpd.libpd_set_print_callback(print_hook) # self.__instances__.append(pylibpd.libpd_new_instance()) # pylibpd.libpd_set_instance(self.__instances__[-1]) # [; pd dsp 1( # pylibpd.__libpd_start_message(1) # one entry in list # pylibpd.__libpd_add_float(1) # pylibpd.__libpd_finish_message("pd", "dsp") # self.__files__.append(pylibpd.libpd_openfile(, '.')) # pylibpd.libpd_open_patch( + '.pd') # failed = pylibpd.libpd_start_gui(self.__pdbin__.as_posix() + "/../..") failed = pylibpd.libpd_start_gui(path) if failed: print("gui startup failed") else: self.__gui__ = True
[docs] def stop_gui(self): if self.__gui__: pylibpd.libpd_stop_gui() print(pylibpd.libpd_exists("#py")) pylibpd.libpd_unsubscribe('#py')
[docs] def send(self, recv, symbol, *args): pylibpd.libpd_message(recv, symbol, *args)