Source code for pdpy_lib.parse.pdpy2json

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************** #
# This file is part of the pdpy project:
# Copyright (C) 2021 Fede Camara Halac
# **************************************************************************** #
""" PdPy file to Json-format file """

import re

from ..utilities.utils import log, printer
from ..objects.obj import Obj

__all__ = [ 'PdPyLoad' ]

def is_ignored(s): 
  """ Ignore out-of-patch comments
  return bool("^/\*.*$", s)    or 
    "^\s\*.*$", s) or 
    "^\*/$", s)    or 
    "^[\s]*//", s) or 
    "^\n", s))

[docs]def PdPyLoad(fp, patch, pddb): """ Reads the lines from a .pdpy file pointer `fp` and populates a `PdPy` obj Returns ------- A PdPy patch objects Input ----- 1. `.pdpy` file pointer `fp` 2. patch object (`PdPy`) to load 3. `pddb` is a json file holding a pure data object database """ canvases = [] @printer def is_root(s): """ Root canvas opening parens """ if"^\(.*$",s): name = re.findall(r"^\(#(.*)$", s) if bool(name): log(0,"NAME", name) root = patch.pdpyRoot(name=" ".join(name).strip()) else: root = patch.pdpyRoot() canvases.append(root) return True @printer def is_root_end(s): """ Root canvas closing parens (ignores root canvas restore) """ if"^\).*$",s): canvases.pop() return True @printer def is_subpatch(s): """ Create Pd Canvases """ if"^\s+\(.*$",s): name = re.findall(r"^\s+\(#(.*)$",s) if bool(name): cnv = patch.pdpyCanvas(name=" ".join(name).strip().replace(' ','\ ')) else: cnv = patch.pdpyCanvas() canvases.append(cnv) return True @printer def is_subpatch_end(s): """ Ends a subpatch (calls restore and pipes args after parens) """ if"^\s+\).*$",s): piped = re.findall(r"^\s+\)(.*)$",s) # check first if pipe is present and pass an outlet if bool(piped): if 'outlet' not in canvases[-1].nodes: prev = patch.__last_canvas__().__obj_idx__ last = patch.objectCreator(Obj, ('outlet')) patch.objectConnector(prev, # restore the canvas patch.pdpyRestore() # check again and pass arguments to pipe through if bool(piped): string = " ".join(piped).strip() # string = if bool(string): patch.pdpyCreate(' '*len(canvases)*2 + string,pddb) # parsePdPyLine(' ' * len(canvases)*2 + " ".join(piped).strip()) # patch.objectConnector() # clear the canvas out of the stack canvases.pop() return True @printer def is_pdtext(s): """ Adds a pure data in-patch comment to the canvas """ if"^\s+[#+].+$", s): comment = re.findall(r"^\s+[#+](.+)$", s) if bool(comment): patch.pdpyComment(" ".join(comment).strip()) return True @printer def is_pdobj(s): """ Any object creator on the pd canvas """ if"^\s+[\*\w\d\\\-%].+$", s): objects = re.findall(r"^\s+([\*\w\d\\\-%].+)$", s) if bool(objects): print("obj",objects) patch.pdpyCreate(" ".join(objects).strip(), pddb) return True def parsePdPyLine(s): """ PdPy line parsing dispatcher """ # print("-"*30) # print(repr(s)) # print("-"*30) if is_ignored(s): return if is_root(s): return if is_root_end(s): return if is_subpatch(s): return if is_subpatch_end(s): return if is_pdtext(s): return if is_pdobj(s): return # log(1,"parsePdPyLine: Unparsed Lines:", repr(s)) for line_number, s in enumerate(fp.readlines()): # print("="*80) # print(f"Line Number : {line_number+1}: {repr(s)}") parsePdPyLine(s) return patch