Source code for pdpy_lib.objects.comment
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************** #
# This file is part of the pdpy project:
# Copyright (C) 2021 Fede Camara Halac
# **************************************************************************** #
from ..core.object import Object
from ..primitives.point import Point
from ..utilities.utils import splitSemi
__all__ = [ 'Comment' ]
[docs]class Comment(Object):
""" A Pure Data comment """
def __init__(self, comments=None, pd_lines=None, json=None, xml=None):
self.__pdpy__ = self.__class__.__name__
if json is not None:
super().__populate__(self, json)
elif xml is not None:
self.position = Point(xml=xml.find('position'))
self.border = xml.findtext('border', None)
if xml.find('text'):
self.text = [x.text for x in xml.find('text').findall('txt')]
elif pd_lines is not None:
self.position = Point(x=pd_lines[0], y=pd_lines[1])
# can have "\\,"
# split at "\\;"
# and the unescaped comma is a border flag: ", f 80"
argv = pd_lines[2:]
if len(argv):
if 2 < len(argv) and "f" == argv[-2] and argv[-1].isnumeric():
self.border = self.__num__(argv[-1])
argv = argv[:-2]
argv[-1] = argv[-1].replace(",","")
self.text = splitSemi(argv)
elif comments is not None:
if not isinstance(comments, list):
comments = [comments]
for comment in comments:
self.position = Point()
def __pd__(self):
""" Return a pd representation string """
s = ''
if hasattr(self, 'text') and len(self.text):
if len(self.text) == 1:
s += " " + str(self.text[0])
s += ' ' + ' '.join(list(map(lambda x:str(x)+ " \\;",list(self.text[:-1]))))
s += " " + str(self.text[-1])
if hasattr(self, "border"):
s += ", f " + str(self.border)
return super().__pd__(s)
def __xml__(self):
""" Return an xml representation object """
x = super().__xml__(scope=self, attrib='border')
if hasattr(self, 'text'):
text = super().__element__(tag='text')
for t in getattr(self, 'text', []):
super().__subelement__(text, 'txt', text=t)
super().__subelement__(x, text)
return x
[docs] def addtext(self, text):
""" Add a text row to the comment. It will be semicolon-terminated. """
if not hasattr(self, 'text'):
self.text = []
self.text.append(text.replace(',', ' \\,').replace(';', ' \\;'))