#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************** #
# This file is part of the pdpy project: https://github.com/pdpy-org
# Copyright (C) 2021 Fede Camara Halac
# **************************************************************************** #
""" Class Definitions for Pure Data's Data Structures """
from . import goparray
from ..core.base import Base
from ..utilities.exceptions import ArgumentException
from ..utilities.utils import log
__all__ = [ 'Struct' ]
[docs]class Struct(Base):
""" An object containing a Pure Data 'struct' header
def __init__(self, pd_lines=None, json=None, xml=None):
self.__pdpy__ = self.__class__.__name__
self.order = []
super().__init__(pdtype='N', cls='struct')
if json is not None:
super().__populate__(self, json)
elif xml is not None:
# log(1,xml.findall('*'))
self.name = xml.findtext('name')
# iterate through the attributes based on the order
# order will be updated as we go
for k,_ in sorted(xml.attrib.items(), key=lambda i: i[1]):
e = k[:-1] # remove the 's'
x = xml.find(k)
if k=='floats':
for s in x.findall(e): self.addFloat(s.text)
elif k=='symbols':
for s in x.findall(e): self.addSymbol(s.text)
elif k=='texts':
for s in x.findall(e): self.addText(s.text)
elif k=='arrays':
for s in x.findall('goparray'):
raise ArgumentException("Unknown attribute: {}".format(k))
elif pd_lines is not None:
self.name = pd_lines[0]
pd_lines = pd_lines[1:]
i = 0
while i < len(pd_lines):
if i >= len(pd_lines): break
pd_type = pd_lines[i]
pd_name = pd_lines[i + 1]
if 'float' == pd_type: self.addFloat(pd_name)
elif 'symbol' == pd_type: self.addSymbol(pd_name)
elif 'text' == pd_type: self.addText(pd_name)
elif 'array' == pd_type:
array_name = pd_lines[i + 2]
self.addArray(pd_name, array_name)
i += 1
log(1, "Unparsed Struct Field #" + str(i))
log(1, self.name, pd_lines)
i += 2
# raise ArgumentException("Struct: Incorrect arguments given")
[docs] def addFloat(self, pd_name):
if not hasattr(self, 'float'):
self.float = []
[docs] def addSymbol(self, pd_name):
if not hasattr(self, 'symbol'):
self.symbol = []
[docs] def addText(self, pd_name):
if not hasattr(self, 'text'):
self.text = []
[docs] def addArray(self, pd_name, array_name):
""" Append an array structure with symbols for name and template """
if not hasattr(self, 'array'):
self.array = []
'name' : pd_name,
'template' : array_name
[docs] def parse(self, data):
""" Returns a list of scalar data structured by the corresponding struct """
_data = {}
# log(1,"DATA",data)
# data = list(filter(lambda x:x==' ',data))
if len(data) == 0:
return None
arr = None
fs = data[0].split(' ')
# log(1,'FS',fs)
if len(data) >= 2:
arr = data[1:]
# log(1,'ARR',arr)
if hasattr(self, 'float'):
'float': {
f:self.__num__(v) for f,v in zip(self.float, fs[:len(self.float)])
if hasattr(self, 'symbol'):
# log(1, "SYMBOLS", self.symbol, fs)
'symbol': {f:v for f,v in zip(self.symbol, fs[len(self.float):])}
# log(1, "DATA", _data)
if arr is not None and hasattr(self, 'array'):
for a in self.array:
_, template = self.__parent__.getTemplate(a.template)
if template is not None:
if hasattr(template, 'float'):
# fill the corresponding named arrays with float arrays
_arr_obj = {}
for val_list in arr:
# zip key and value from template names and data float values
for key, val in zip(template.float, val_list):
if key in _arr_obj:
_arr_obj[key] = [self.__num__(val)]
'array' : _arr_obj
if hasattr(template, 'symbol'):
# fill the corresponding named arrays with tring arrays
_arr_obj = {}
for val_list in arr:
# zip key and value from template names and data string values
for key, val in zip(template.symbol, val_list):
if key in _arr_obj:
_arr_obj[key] = [val]
if hasattr(template, 'array'):
#TODO: implement this
log(1,"DS recursion on arrays implemented")
if len(_data):
return _data
def __pd__(self):
""" Returns the struct instruction for the pd file """
if not hasattr(self, 'name'):
return self.__closeline__("X", "obj", self.position.__pd__() + " " + self.__cls__)
s = self.name
for a in getattr(self, 'order', []):
arr = []
for x in getattr(self, a, []):
if a == 'array':
x = x.__pd__()
x = a + ' ' + x
s += ' ' + ' '.join(arr) if arr else ''
return super().__pd__(s)
def __xml__(self):
""" Return the XML Element for this object """
x = super().__xml__(self, attrib=('name'))
for i,a in enumerate(getattr(self, 'order', [])):
super().__update_attrib__(x, a + 's', i)
xs = super().__element__(tag = a + 's')
for e in getattr(self, a, []):
if a == 'array':
super().__subelement__(xs, e.__xml__())
super().__subelement__(xs, a, text=e)
# update the parent elements
super().__subelement__(x, xs)
return x