#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************** #
# This file is part of the pdpy project: https://github.com/pdpy-org
# Copyright (C) 2021 Fede Camara Halac
# **************************************************************************** #
GOP Array
from . import data
from ..core.base import Base
from ..utilities.default import GOPArrayFlags
from ..utilities.utils import log
__all__ = [ 'GOPArray' ]
[docs]class GOPArray(Base):
""" A Graph-on-Parent Array representation
A GOPArray instance extends the Base class with an `addflag` method
to account for GOPArrayFlags. And, a `__pd__` method to return a
string representation of the GOPArray.
json : dict
A dictionary of the JSON object. For example: ```{ 'name' : 'array_name', 'length' : 100, 'type' : 'float', 'flag' : 0, 'className' : 'goparray'}```
Other keyword arguments such as ``name``, ``head``, ``length``, and ``data``
def __init__(self, json=None, **kwargs):
self.__pdpy__ = self.__class__.__name__
if json is not None:
super().__populate__(self, json)
if hasattr(self, 'className') and self.className == 'goparray':
self.__cls__ = 'array'
self.__cls__ = 'array'
if 'name' in kwargs:
self.name = kwargs.pop('name')
if 'head' in kwargs:
_head = kwargs.pop('head')
_head = 0
if 'length' in kwargs:
self.length = kwargs.pop('length')
self.length = self.__d__.array['size']
if 'data' in kwargs:
_data = kwargs.pop('data')
_data = [0 for _ in range(1 + self.length)]
self.type = self.__d__.array['type']
self.flag = self.__d__.array['flag']
super().__setdata__(self, data.Data(data=_data, head=_head))
# print("Pdtype", self.__type__, self.__cls__)
[docs] def addflag(self, flag):
# log(1, "Adding flag: {}".format(flag))
if flag is not None and flag.isnumeric():
self.flag = GOPArrayFlags[int(flag)]
elif flag in GOPArrayFlags:
self.flag = flag
self.flag = None
def __pd__(self):
""" Return a string representation of the GOPArray """
if hasattr(self, 'template'):
return "array " + str(self.name) + " " + str(self.template)
elif self.__cls__ in ('array', 'obj'):
s = super().__pd__(" ".join(map(lambda x:str(x),[self.name,self.length,self.type,self.flag])))
for x in getattr(self, 'data', []):
s += x.__pd__()
return s
log(1, "Unknown GOPArray format: {}".format(self.__cls__))
def __xml__(self):
""" Return the XML Element for this object """
x = super().__xml__(scope=self, attrib=('name', 'template', 'length', 'type', 'flag', 'className'))
if hasattr(self, 'data'):
data = super().__element__(tag='data')
for d in self.data:
super().__subelement__(data, d.__xml__())
super().__subelement__(x, data)
return x