#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************** #
# This file is part of the pdpy project: https://github.com/pdpy-org
# Copyright (C) 2021 Fede Camara Halac
# **************************************************************************** #
""" Data Class Definition """
from . import types
from ..core.base import Base
from ..utilities.utils import splitByEscapedChar, log, splitByNone
__all__ = [ 'Data' ]
[docs]class Data(Base):
""" A Data base class """
def __init__(self,
self.__pdpy__ = self.__class__.__name__
super().__init__(pdtype='A', cls=head or '0')
if json is not None:
super().__populate__(self, json)
elif xml is not None:
if head is not None:
# 'set' or 'saved' for symbols, otherwise '0' for arrays of floats
self.__cls__ = str(head)
self.header = self.__cls__
if self.__isnum__(self.header):
self.data = list(map(lambda x: float(x), data))
elif 'saved' == self.header:
self.data = list(map(lambda x: str(x), data))
elif 'set' == self.header:
self.data = splitByEscapedChar(data, char=';')
if self.data: # check if the data exists
# check for name in first element (scalar define)
if not self.__isnum__(self.data[0].split()[0]):
self.data = self.data[0].split()
setattr(self, 'name', self.data.pop(0))
log(1,"Unknown data type" + str(head) + " for:\n" + self.__json__())
if template is not None:
self.template = template.name
self.data = self.fill(template, splitByEscapedChar(data, char=';'))
elif data is not None:
self.header = 0
self.data = super().__setdata__(self, data)
raise ValueError("Struct and Data must be present.")
[docs] def add(self, attr, value):
""" Adds a value to the data list in attr """
if not hasattr(self, attr):
setattr(self, attr, [])
getattr(self, attr).append(value)
[docs] def parseXml(self, xml):
""" Parses the xml string into a pd object """
if 'header' in xml.attrib:
self.header = xml.attrib.get('header')
self.__cls__ = str(self.header)
data = xml.findall('datum')
if len(data):
if self.__isnum__(self.header):
self.data = [self.__num__(d.text) for d in data]
elif self.header in ('set', 'saved'):
self.data = [str(d.text) for d in data]
for x in xml.findall('float'):
self.add('float', types.Float(xml=x))
for x in xml.findall('symbol'):
self.add('symbol', types.Symbol(xml=x))
for x in xml.findall('list'):
self.add('array', types.List(xml=x))
[docs] def fill(self, template, data):
""" Fills the data with a template """
if len(data) == 0:
return None
# log(1,"DATAA", data)
# log(1,"TEMPLATE", template.__json__())
def fill_element(target, template, data, attrib='float', cls=types.Float):
# for k,v in zip(getattr(template, 'float', []), flt):
# super().__setdata__(self, Float(v, name=k), 'float')
if hasattr(template, attrib):
# log(1,'Filling '+str(attrib).upper(),data)
for k,v in zip(getattr(template, attrib, []), data):
super(Data, self).__setdata__(target, cls(v, name=k), attrib)
def fill_array(target, template, data):
# log(1,'TEMPLATE',template.name)
# log(1,'ARRAY',data)
arrays = getattr(template, 'array', [])
data = splitByNone(data)
for e, d in zip(arrays, data):
_, _template = template.__p__.getTemplate(e.template)
if _template is None:
log(1,"Did not find a template array candidate for: " + template)
# log(1, 'Filling array', d)
# log(1, 'Template:', _template.__json__())
pdlist = types.List(name=e.template)
attributes = [ {
'keys':getattr(_template, a)
} for a in _template.order ]
# log(1, 'Attributes:', attributes)
# log(1, 'Length:', len(attributes))
# log(1, 'Lengths:', lengths)
for v in d:
# log(1, 'Filling:', v)
if len(attributes) == 1:
attr = attributes[0]['attr']
keys = attributes[0]['keys']
# log(1, 'Attr:', attr, 'Keys:', keys)
for key, val in zip(keys, v):
# log(1, f"add {attr} element", key, val)
pdlist.addelement(attr, key, val)
for idx, att in enumerate(attributes):
attr = att['attr']
keys = att['keys']
# log(1, 'Keys:', keys, 'Attr:', attr)
for key in keys:
# log(1, f"add {attr} element", key, v)
pdlist.addelement(attr, key, v[idx])
# TODO: Array recursion ??
# if hasattr(_template, 'array'):
# log(1,'RECURSE ON ARRAY', v)
# log(1,'RECURSE ON TEMPLATE', _template.name)
# k = getattr(_template, 'array')
# # log(1, 'array: keys, values:', k, v)
# for key,val in zip(k,v):
# # log(1, 'add array element', key, val)
# target.addelement('array', key, str(val))
# fill_array(target.array, _template, v) # recursion ??????
super(Data, self).__setdata__(target, pdlist, 'array')
fs = data[0].split(' ')
if hasattr(template, 'float') and hasattr(template, 'symbol'):
flt = fs[:len(template.float)]
sym = fs[len(template.float):]
elif hasattr(template, 'float'):
flt = fs[:len(template.float):]
sym = None
elif hasattr(template, 'symbol'):
flt = None
sym = fs[:len(template.symbol):]
log(1, "Template " + template.name + " has no float attribute")
log(1, "Template", template.__json__())
if flt is not None:
# log(1,'FILL FLOAT',flt)
fill_element(self, template, flt, attrib='float', cls=types.Float)
if sym is not None:
# log(1,'FILL SYMBOL',sym)
fill_element(self, template, flt, attrib='symbol', cls=types.Symbol)
arr = data[1:] if len(data) >= 2 else []
if hasattr(template, 'array') and arr is not []:
# log(1,'FILL ARRAY',arr)
# log(1, 'Template', template.__json__())
fill_array(self, template, arr) # fill the array
def __pd__(self, template=None):
""" Parses the pd object into a string """
if hasattr(self, 'data'):
if hasattr(self, 'header'):
if self.__isnum__(self.header):
s = ' '.join(list(map(lambda x:str(self.__num__(x)), self.data)))
return super().__pd__(s)
# return super().__pd__('0 '+s)
if self.header == 'set' or self.header == 'saved':
self.__cls__ = self.header
s = ''
for d in self.data:
if type(d) in (int, float, str):
s += str(d)
s += ' ' + ' '.join(list(map(lambda x:str(x), d)))
s += ' \\;'
return super().__pd__(s)
# FIXME: this is a hack to get the 'obj' class working as float arrays
elif self.header == 'obj':
self.__cls__ = '0'
s = ' '.join(list(map(lambda x:str(x), self.data)))
return super().__pd__(s)
raise ValueError("Unknown type " + str(self.header) + " for:\n" + self.__dumps__())
s = ''
# call the pd method on every float (PdFLoat) element
if (hasattr(self, 'float') or hasattr(self, 'floats')) and hasattr(template, 'float'):
for x in getattr(self, 'float', getattr(self, 'floats', [])):
s += ' ' + x.__pd__()
# call the pd method on every symbol (Symbol) element
if (hasattr(self, 'symbol') or hasattr(self, 'symbols')) and hasattr(template, 'symbol'):
for x in getattr(self, 'symbol', getattr(self, 'symbols', [])):
s += ' ' + x.__pd__()
if s != '': s += self.__semi__
# call the pd method on the array (List) element
if (hasattr(self, 'array') or hasattr(self, 'arrays')) and hasattr(template, 'array'):
for x, t in zip(getattr(self, 'array', getattr(self, 'arrays', [])), template.array):
_, _template = template.__p__.getTemplate(t.template)
s += ' ' + x.__pd__(_template)
return s
# return an empty string if nothing else happened
return ''
def __xml__(self, template=None):
""" Returns the XML Element for this object """
x = super().__element__(scope=self)
if hasattr(self, 'data'):
if hasattr(self, 'header'):
super().__update_attrib__(x, 'header', self.header)
if self.__d__.xml['data_as_text']:
x.text = ' '.join(list(map(lambda x:str(x),self.data)))
for d in self.data:
if isinstance(d, list):
for dd in d:
super().__subelement__(x, 'datum', text=str(dd))
super().__subelement__(x, 'datum', text=d)
# call the xml method on every float (PdFLoat) element
if hasattr(self, 'float') and hasattr(template, 'float'):
# flt = super().__element__(tag='floats')
for e in getattr(self, 'float', []):
super().__subelement__(x, e.__xml__())
# super().__subelement__(flt, e.__xml__())
# super().__subelement__(x, flt)
# call the xml method on every symbol (Symbol) element
if hasattr(self, 'symbol') and hasattr(template, 'symbol'):
# sym = super().__element__(tag='symbols')
for e in getattr(self, 'symbol', []):
super().__subelement__(x, e.__xml__())
# super().__subelement__(sym, e.__xml__())
# super().__subelement__(x, sym)
# call the xml method on the array (List) element
if hasattr(self, 'array') and hasattr(template, 'array'):
# arr = super().__element__(tag='arrays')
for e, t in zip(getattr(self, 'array', []), template.array):
_, _template = template.__p__.getTemplate(t.template)
super().__subelement__(x, e.__xml__(_template))
# super().__subelement__(arr, e.__xml__(_template))
# super().__subelement__(x, arr)
return x