Source code for pdpy_lib.iemgui.nbx

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************** #
# This file is part of the pdpy project:
# Copyright (C) 2021-22 Fede Camara Halac
# **************************************************************************** #
IEMGui Number Box

from ..objects.obj import Obj
from ..primitives.size import Size
from ..primitives.bounds import Bounds
from . import iemlabel

__all__ = [ 'Nbx' ]

[docs]class Nbx(Obj): """ The IEM Number Box object, aka. ``nbx`` This IEM gui object represents an IEM Number box (Number2) Parameters ---------- pd_lines : :class:`list` The lines of the Pure Data patch that define the object. json : :class:`dict` A JSON representation of the object. **kwargs: optional Keyword arguments are: * ``digits_width``: the width of the number box in digits. * ``height``: the height of the numbers * ``lower``: the lower limit of the number box range * ``upper``: the upper limit of the number box range * ``log_flag``: a flag to enable logarithmic value scaling * ``init``: the init flag to trigger the number box on loadtime * ``value``: the initial value of the number box (with ``init``) * ``log_height``: upper limit of the log scale (with ``log_flag``) * ``bgcolor``: the background color of the bang * ``fgcolor``: the foreground of the bang Other keyword arguments are passed to :class:`pdpy_lib.iemgui.iemlabel.IEMLabel` and :class:`pdpy_lib.patching.comm.Comm` See also -------- :class:`pdpy_lib.utilities.default.Default` For default parameters. """ def __init__(self, pd_lines=None, json=None, **kwargs): from ..patching.comm import Comm self.__pdpy__ = self.__class__.__name__ if pd_lines is not None: super().__init__(pd_lines=pd_lines[:4]) pd_lines = pd_lines[4:] self.digits_width = self.__num__(pd_lines[0]) self.size = Size(h=pd_lines[1]) self.limits = Bounds(*pd_lines[2:4]) self.log_flag = self.__pdbool__(pd_lines[4]) self.init = self.__pdbool__(pd_lines[5]) self.comm = Comm(send=pd_lines[6], receive=pd_lines[7]) self.label = iemlabel.IEMLabel(pd_lines = pd_lines[8:13] + [pd_lines[15]]) self.bgcolor = self.__num__(pd_lines[13]) self.fgcolor = self.__num__(pd_lines[14]) self.value = float(pd_lines[16]) self.log_height = self.__num__(pd_lines[17]) elif json is not None: super().__init__(json=json) else: super().__init__(className='nbx') iemgui = self.__d__.iemgui default = iemgui[self.className] super().__set_default__(kwargs, [ ('digits_width', default, lambda x: self.__num__(x)), ('size', default, lambda x: Size(h = x['height'])), ('limits', default, lambda d: Bounds(lower = d['lower'], upper = d['upper'])), ('init', default, lambda x: self.__pdbool__(x)), ('log_flag', default, lambda x: self.__pdbool__(x)), ('bgcolor', default, lambda x: self.__num__(x)), ('fgcolor', iemgui, lambda x: self.__num__(x)), ('value', default, lambda x: float(x)), ('log_height', default, lambda x: self.__num__(x)), ]) self.comm = Comm(**kwargs) self.label = iemlabel.IEMLabel(className = self.className, **kwargs) def __pd__(self): """ Return the pd string for this object """ s = str(self.digits_width) s += " " + str(self.size.__pd__()) s += " " + str(self.limits.__pd__()) s += " " + str(1 if self.log_flag else 0) s += " " + str(1 if self.init is False else 0) s += " " + str(self.comm.__pd__()) s += " " + str(self.label.__pd__()) s += " " + str(self.bgcolor) s += " " + str(self.fgcolor) s += " " + str(self.label.lbcolor) s += " " + str(self.value) s += " " + str(self.log_height) return super().__pd__(s) def __xml__(self): """ Return the XML Element for this object """ return super().__xml__(scope=self, tag=self.__cls__, attrib=('digits_width', 'size', 'limits', 'log_flag', 'init', 'comm', 'label', 'bgcolor', 'fgcolor', 'value', 'log_height'))