#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************** #
# This file is part of the pdpy project: https://github.com/pdpy-org
# Copyright (C) 2021 Fede Camara Halac
# **************************************************************************** #
__all__ = [ 'XmlTagConvert' ]
[docs]class XmlTagConvert(object):
def __init__(self):
self.__table__ = {
'%' : 'op_mod',
'*' : 'op_mul',
'-' : 'op_minus',
'+' : 'op_plus',
'/' : 'op_div',
'==' : 'op_eq',
'!=' : 'op_ne',
'>' : 'op_gt',
'<' : 'op_lt',
'>=' : 'op_ge',
'<=' : 'op_le',
'||' : 'op_or',
'&&' : 'op_and',
'!' : 'op_not',
'&' : 'binop_and',
'|' : 'binop_bor',
'>>' : 'binop_ls',
'<<' : 'binop_rs'
self.__tilde__ = "~"
self.___tilde__ = "_tilde"
[docs] def find(self, element, string):
result = element in string
# print('find', element, string, result)
return result
[docs] def to_tilde(self, tag):
""" Returns the tag name replacing tilde char with _tilde """
if not self.find(self.__tilde__, tag):
return tag
s = str(tag).replace(self.__tilde__, self.___tilde__)
# print(f"to_tilde(): {tag} --> {s}")
return s
[docs] def from_tilde(self, tag):
""" Returns the tag name replacing _tilde with tilde char """
if not self.find(self.___tilde__, tag):
return tag
s = str(tag).replace(self.___tilde__, self.__tilde__)
# print(f"from_tilde(): {tag} --> {s}")
return s
[docs] def to_xml_tag(self, key):
""" Returns the tag name replacing special characters """
# print(f"to_xml_tag(): {key}")
tag = key
if self.find(self.__tilde__, key):
key_notilde = str(key).replace(self.__tilde__, '')
if key_notilde in self.__table__:
tag = self.__table__[key_notilde]
# print(f'to_xml_tag(): tilde {key} not in table:', key)
tag = self.to_tilde(tag)
if key in self.__table__:
tag = self.__table__[key]
for k, v in self.__table__.items():
if k in key:
tag = v
# print('to_xml_tag(): key not in table:', key)
tag = key
# print(f"to_xml_tag(): {key} --> {tag}")
# argh, we need to check again for internal characters, eg: <mul_*_tilde>
for i,e in enumerate(tag):
for k in self.__table__.keys():
if e == k:
tag = tag[:i] + self.__table__[k] + tag[i+1:]
return tag
[docs] def to_pd_obj(self, pd_key):
""" Returns the tag name replacing special characters """
_tag = self.from_tilde(pd_key)
for key, value in self.__table__.items():
if key in _tag:
_tag = _tag.replace(value, key)
return _tag
[docs] def isvalid(self, tag):
""" Returns True if the tag is valid """
if self.find('.', tag):
return False
elif self.find('/', tag):
return False
elif self.find('\\', tag):
return False
return self.to_xml_tag(tag)