#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************** #
# This file is part of the pdpy project: https://github.com/pdpy-org
# Copyright (C) 2021-22 Fede Camara Halac
# **************************************************************************** #
Canvas Base
from ..connections.edge import Edge
from ..encoding.xmlbuilder import XmlBuilder
__all__ = [ 'CanvasBase' ]
[docs]class CanvasBase(XmlBuilder):
""" Base class for a canvas
This class is based by :class:`pdpy_lib.patching.pdpy.PdPy` and :class:`pdpy_lib.patching.canvas.Canvas`
def __init__(self, obj_idx=0, isroot=False):
""" Initialize the canvas base class """
if isroot:
self.isroot = isroot
self.__obj_idx__ = obj_idx
# This is a dictionary with
# - the node indices as keys, and
# - the last self.__depth_list__ index as values
self.__obj_map__ = {}
def __update_obj_map__(self, x):
""" Update the object map with the current object
This method updates the object map with the current object. This is meant
to keep track of the objects in the current canvas, so we can connect
them later with their respective edges.
# If the node has an ID, get it and use it to update the object map
if hasattr(x, "id"):
# increment the index by one
self.__obj_idx__ += 1
# add the node to the map so that
# key is the id and value is the index
int(getattr(x,'id')) : self.__obj_idx__
def __edges__(self, s):
for x in getattr(self, 'edges', []):
s += x.__pd__(self.__obj_map__)
return s
def __nodes__(self, s):
for x in getattr(self, 'nodes', []):
s += x.__pd__()
return s
def __comments__(self, s):
for x in getattr(self, 'comments', []):
s += x.__pd__()
return s
def __coords__(self, s):
if hasattr(self, 'coords'):
s += self.coords.__pd__()
return s
def __restore__(self, s, isgraph=False):
if hasattr(self, 'position'):
s += "#X restore " + self.position.__pd__()
if hasattr(self, 'title'):
s += " " + self.title
if isgraph:
s += " graph"
s += self.__end__
return s
def __render__(self, s, isroot=False, isgraph=False):
s = self.__nodes__(s)
s = self.__comments__(s)
if isroot:
# argh, this order is swapped for the root canvas
s = self.__coords__(s)
s = self.__edges__(s)
s = self.__edges__(s)
s = self.__coords__(s)
s = self.__restore__(s, isgraph=isgraph)
return s
def __xml_nodes__(self, parent):
if hasattr(self, 'nodes'):
nodes = super().__element__(tag='nodes')
for e in getattr(self, 'nodes', []):
super().__subelement__(nodes, e.__xml__())
super().__subelement__(parent, nodes)
def __xml_comments__(self, parent):
if hasattr(self, 'comments'):
comments = super().__element__(tag='comments')
for e in getattr(self, 'comments', []):
super().__subelement__(comments, e.__xml__())
super().__subelement__(parent, comments)
def __xml_edges__(self, parent):
if hasattr(self, 'edges'):
edges = super().__element__(tag='edges')
for e in getattr(self, 'edges', []):
super().__subelement__(edges, e.__xml__(self.__obj_map__))
super().__subelement__(parent, edges)
[docs] def edge(self, edge):
""" Append a pure data connection (edge)
This method creates and/or appends a pure data connection as an `Edge`.
See `Edge` to see how connections are handled.
if not hasattr(self, 'edges'):
self.edges = []
super().__parent__(self, edge)
# log(1,"Edge",edge.__dict__)
[docs] def disconnect(self, *argv):
""" Attempt to disconnect the objects """
cnv = self.__last_canvas__() if hasattr(self, '__last_canvas__') else self
# return if there are no edges
if not len(cnv.edges): return
argv = sorted(argv, key = lambda x:x.id)
except ValueError as e:
# skip uncreated objects
print("Object not created on the canvas: missing id")
# loop through the arguments
for arg in argv:
# skip uncreated objects
# if not hasattr(arg, 'id'): continue
# second loop through the edges
for i, edge in enumerate(sorted(cnv.edges, key = lambda x:x.source.id)):
# if the object id matches any, remove it
if arg.id in (edge.source.id, edge.sink.id):
print("Disconnected", arg.id)
# # second loop through the edges
# i = 0
# while len(self.edges):
# # if the object id matches any, remove it
# if arg.id in (self.edges[i].source.id, self.edges[i].sink.id):
# self.edges.pop(self.edges.index(i))
# i += 1
[docs] def connect(self, *argv):
""" Attempt to autoconnect the objects together """
cnv = self.__last_canvas__() if hasattr(self, '__last_canvas__') else self
length = len(argv)
stepsize = 1
maxlen = length - 1
# utility routine
def _connect(*argv):
# print(argv)
e = Edge(pd_lines=argv)
for i in range(0, maxlen, stepsize):
src = argv[i] # the source
snk = argv[i+1] # the sink
# check if we are lists
srclist = isinstance(src, list)
snklist = isinstance(snk, list)
# neither is a list
if not srclist and not snklist:
_connect(src.id, 0, snk.id, 0)
# only sink is a list (connect sequentially to multiple inlets)
elif not srclist and snklist:
for i in range(1,len(snk)):
_connect(src.id, 0, snk[0].id, snk[i])
# only source is a list (connect sequentially from multiple outlets)
elif srclist and not snklist:
for i in range(1,len(src)):
_connect(src[0].id, src[i], snk.id, 0)
# both are lists (limit to minimum iolets between source and sink), so
# connect([source, 0, 1, 2], [sink, 1, 2]) gives
# #X connect source.id 0 sink.id 1
# #X connect source.id 1 sink.id 2
elif srclist and snklist:
for i in range(1,min(len(src),len(snk))):
_connect(src[0].id, src[i], snk[0].id, snk[i])
[docs] def create(self, *anything):
""" Create an object, message, comment, or any other pd object """
cnv = self.__last_canvas__() if hasattr(self, '__last_canvas__') else self
from ..objects.comment import Comment # for the create method
for a in anything:
self.__obj_idx__ = self.grow()
if isinstance(a, Comment):
a.id = cnv.add(a)
return self
[docs] def createCanvas(self, **kwargs):
""" Create a subpatch """
from ..patching.canvas import Canvas
canvas = Canvas(**kwargs)
if not hasattr(canvas, 'title'):
canvas.title = "pd " + canvas.name
last_canvas = self.__last_canvas__()
canvas.id = self.__obj_idx__
return canvas
def __set_array_name__(self, array):
""" Sets the name of the array incrementing the array name index """
if not hasattr(array, 'name'):
self.__arr_idx__ += 1
array.name = "array" + str(self.__arr_idx__)
[docs] def createArray(self, **kwargs):
""" Create a GOP Array construction on the canvas """
from ..memory.array import Array
array = Array(**kwargs)
canvas = self.__last_canvas__()
return array
[docs] def createGOPArray(self, **kwargs):
""" Create a GOP Array construction on the canvas """
from ..patching.canvas import Canvas
from ..primitives.coords import Coords
from ..memory.goparray import GOPArray
array = GOPArray(**kwargs)
canvas = Canvas()
canvas.name = self.__d__.name
canvas.vis = 0
array.id = canvas.add(array)
setattr(canvas, 'coords', Coords(gop=1))
setattr(canvas, 'isgraph', True)
if hasattr(canvas, 'title'):
delattr(canvas, 'title')
return array
[docs] def grow(self):
""" Increments the canvas object index by 1 """
self.__obj_idx__ += 1
return self.__obj_idx__
[docs] def add(self, node):
""" Add (append) a Node to this canvas ``nodes``
This method creates and/or appends a node to an internal array ``nodes``.
Each node is a Pure Data object that is neither a comment nor a connection
The position (index) of the most recently added node
if not hasattr(self, 'nodes'):
self.nodes = []
return len(self.nodes) - 1